Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) Screening Test and G-6-PD Assay Screening Test

7.0–20.5 U/g of hemoglobin; SI units: 0.45–1.29 mU/mol
(reference ranges vary with testing methodology)
. Lavender- or green-top tube.
■ G-6-PD is an enzyme found in RBCs; its function is to protect hemoglobin from oxidation.
■ People with a G-6-PD deficiency are susceptible to hemolysis
when exposed to an oxidative stressor such as systemic
infections, septicemia, metabolic acidosis, and exposure to
oxidant drugs (aspirin, sulfa drugs, antimalarials, thiazide
diuretics, quinidine, antipyretics, sulfanomides,
chloramphenical, phenacetin, probenicid, and tolbutamide).