MD Technology

What is an Open MRI?
Open Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Open MRI) is an advanced diagnostic imaging procedure that creates detailed images of internal bodily structures without the use of x-rays. Open MRI is able to produce these detailed images through the use of a powerful magnet, radiowaves and a computer. MRI scans aid physicians in detecting and diagnosing diseases or other abnormalities in very early stages.
The difference between an open MRI, and the closed MRI is just that, one is shaped like a donut, in which the patient is enclosed, and the other is open on all four sides. The open gantry style offers patients more comfort, and reduced feelings of anxiety and claustrophobia.
Open systems are a lot quieter than traditional MRI machines and more comforting for patients, making open MRI systems a preferred choice for many health care consumers.

How Does the Open MRI Work?

The examination does not involve X-ray radiation or radioactive material, and requires virtually no preparation. The images are acquired through interactions between the large magnetic fields and the atoms within your body.
Timed pulses or radio waves are emitted within the magnet. Returning signals from the body are received in the form of radio waves detected by an antenna inside the magnet. Following this passing of signals, a specifically designed computer converts these signals into a visible image in one or more of your body's anatomic planes.

What are the BENEFITS Open MRI Can Offer?

  • The open MRI allows for the most demanding cases to be accommodated. For example, large patients, large athletes, kids, and handicapped patients can comfortably receive imaging due to the open gantry style. Currently, in many of these cases, patients go untreated or seek treatment in the United States.
  • The open MRI reduces confinement and anxiety for all patients, especially those who are claustrophobic. The open MRI offers them a spacious environment during scanning.
  • The open MRI allows pediatric patients to be comforted during scanning. In most cases, the parent or guardian is able to lie beside the child and/or hold their hand, instead of just in sight. As well with the open MRI, pediatric patients may not require sedation, which reduces the cost of imaging and the risks to the child.
  • The open MRI allows for a full range of examinations and ease of siting, as the patient has room to move around.
  • The open MRI provides paperless and filmless reports immediately to physicians via the web-based innovative technology of PACS (Picture Archiving Communications System), as opposed to up to 48 hours wait at other clinics.
  • The open MRI has minimal noise. Traditional machines are very loud, sometimes comparable to a jackhammer. This racket can cause extreme unease and annoyance.
  • The open MRI has superior image quality, allowing the radiologist to report effectively. This reduces the need for exploratory surgery and associated complications.
  • The open MRI is the most accurate method for diagnosing illnesses or injuries of the body. Since it is timely, patients can start treatment and return to regular activities more rapidly.
  • The open MRI does not use radiation, and is not associated with any pain.
  • The open configuration allows for kinematic MRI as well as MR guided intervention.