Hemoglobin (Hgb)

Male: 14–18 g/dL; SI units: 8.7–11.2 mmol/L.
Female: 12–16g/dL; SI units: 7.4–9.9 mmol/L.
Child: 1–14 ys: 11.3–14.4 g/dL; SI units: 113–144 mmol/L.
Critical Levels: <5 or >20 g/dL
. Lavender-top tube.
■ Hemoglobin is the main protein in erythrocytes. It carries
oxygen to and removes carbon dioxide from red blood cells.
■ Increased in dehydration, COPD, high altitudes, polycythemia
■ Decreased in fluid volume excess, hematologic cancers,
hemolytic disorders, blood loss, anemia.
■ See Complete Blood Count.