Pleural Effusion

1. Admit to:
2. Diagnosis: Pleural effusion
3. Condition:
4. Vital Signs: q shift. Call physician if BP >160/90,<90/60; P>120, <50;
R>25, <10; T >38.5°C
5. Activity:
6. Diet: Regular.
7. IV Fluids: D5W at TKO
8. Extras: CXR PA and LAT, repeat after thoracentesis;left and right lateral
decubitus x-rays, ECG, ultrasound,PPD; pulmonary consult.
9. Labs: CBC, SMA 7&12, protein, albumin, amylase,ANA, ESR, INR/PTT, UA.
Cryptococcal antigen,histoplasma antigen, fungal culture.
Tube 1: LDH, protein, amylase, triglyceride, glucose(10 mL).
Tube 2: Gram stain, C&S, AFB, fungal C&S (20-60mL, heparinized).
Tube 3: Cell count and differential (5-10 mL, EDTA).
Syringe: pH (2 mL collected anaerobically,heparinized on ice).
Bag or Bottle: Cytology.